- Broadband
An aperta finita Waveguide specillum est cavae metallum tubo (communis figuras ut rectangulum, circularis, etc.) quod opens unum finem in Found ad patitur pro specifica electro interactiones cum extra mundum. Habet enim simplex et simplex structuram, iusto figura, et bonum directional exemplar, et saepe usus est ut mensurae specillo in proximo-agro antennna mensurae systems.
When microwave signals are transmitted inside the waveguide and reach the open end, electromagnetic waves will radiate outward and interact with the detected object or the electromagnetic field environment it is in. For example, when detecting the dielectric properties of materials, the electromagnetic waves radiated from the opening act on the material, causing it to reflect, refract, absorb, etc. By analyzing the feedback signal changes received by Probe, correspondentes proprium parametri potest. For example, in the field of electromagnetic field distribution measurement, an open ended waveguide probe serves as a sensitive receiving "port" for electromagnetic fields, which can sense the strength, phase, and other information of the electromagnetic field at its location.
1.Antenna measurement Field: adjuvat metiretur prope-agrum characteres de antennas, ut distribution electro agros in proxima agri, adiuvat in analyzing antenna perficientur, et optimizes antenna consilio.
2.In electromagnetic compatibility temptationis, quod est ad deprehendere fortitudinem, frequency et alia parametri electro campis in spatio, et determinare utrum convenientem pertinet signa et ad electro compatibility.
Patefacio finita Waveguide Rimi ludere an maximus munus in variis agris ad electro campis et Proin microwave mensuras et deprehendatur debitum ad eorum unique structuram et dispensando Proin signals.
QUALWAVEVictualia aperta finita Waveguide probat operimentum frequency range usque 110ghz. Nos offerre aperta finita Waveguide probat de quaestum 7db, tum customized apertum finita Waveguide probat secundum customers requisita.
Pars numerus | Frequentia(GHz, min). | Frequentia(GHz, max). | Produco(DB) | Vswr(Max.) | Interface | Flange | DUCEO(Weeks) |
Qoewp28-7 | 26.3 | 40 | 7 | 2 | WR-XXVIII (BJ320) | Fbp320 | II ~ IV |
Qoewp10-7-1 | 75 | CX | 7 | 2 | -R-X (BJ900) | - | II ~ IV |
Qoewp10-7 | 90 | 90 | 7 | 2 | -R-X (BJ900) | UG387 / UM | II ~ IV |